On the Most Useful Tool

05.00 Unknown 0 Comments

Why isn't Abulafia bigger than it is?

(What's Abulafia, you say)

It's a wiki, filled with random generators for RPG's.

So you can go there, and click a link like Taverns, and BAM. You instantly have a tavern.

What's that? Not quite interesting enough for you? Maybe you have a table you like better? WELL IT'S A WIKI, so get on it and start adding.

There are several obnoxious hurdles to getting started. Here, today we are going to cover them all.


  • Spam problems require e-mailing the owner Dave Younce to open an account. He says "If you need to contact me directly, I am on G+ or you can email me on gmail using my first and last name with a . inbetween."
  • You create a new page by searching for the title of the page! It will bring up mentions of the phrase, and a red link that you can click to create the page.
  • You can edit current tables to make them more interesting by just editing the wiki.
  • An Example:
    • [main]
    • ;main
    • 1,you find 8 swords
    • 1,you find 8 bows
  • You create new tables using the tag [main]. Iterations ("X") is the number of times the table runs. 
  • [main] links to the table, listed below within the tags as ";main" without the quotes.
  • Brackets link to subtables.
  • The numbers in the tables are relative percentages.
  • Subtables can be from any page on the site, or further down on the same page! You could find 8 [items] and create an ;items table with the options, bows, swords, rats, shields etc.
  • What's really useful about this?

    You are probably gaming on a computer or with a tablet at the table. You can create your own user page, where you have links to all the tables.

    Then while you are gaming, you can simply click the link to the table to randomly generate results instead of having to roll dice or reference tables!

    Here's a sample of some of the gold that's on the site!

    Someone else converted my Armor Generation table from my posts about Armor I and II!
    Holy crap, look at these 1e DMG tables!
    Automated Megadungeon Zone Names? From my blog? Don't mind if you do!
    You know the Endless Bag of Tricks from Roger GS? Here it is, automated!

    Now who's going to start turning the Dungeon Dozen into tables?

    That's right, YOU!

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