On the Monster Species

05.00 Unknown 0 Comments

So who ever fought a medusa in Dungeons and Dragons?

You know that Google/Chrome flags that as misspelled.

Do you know what the correct spelling is?

Medusa. Because it's a proper noun.

So this is core to the idea of Dungeons and Dragons. A world of monsters, inspired by unique creatures in our own mythologies. I'm not the first one to think of this. Nor the second.

Here are some ideas for individuals that are ripe to be turned into playable monsters:

Krugers: Have knives for hands and haunt players in their dreams
Cujos: Mad dogs with the strength of five men
Hunters: Soft spoken, religious men that have simple words tattooed across their knuckles. They protest their innocence as they stab you in the back to fulfill their greed.
Hannibals: Well dressed cannibals. Eloquent.
Carries: Young psychic girls
Normans: Cross-dressing men with knives
Torrances: Wild-eyed drunk beasts with axes
Kurtzes: Gigantic slothful poetic warriors
Vaders: Robotic warriors dressed in all black
Kahns: Genetically modified humans seeking vengeance
Jokers: Gruesome clowns that attack with poisons
Audreys: Alien man-eating plants

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