On 5e Backgrounds: Carney
CarneyYou live and travel with a circus or carnival. Running away to join the carnival is the last refuge of the most desperate. Today, even the desperate consider it a poor option.
Skill Proficiency: Pick any one
Languages: Pick any 2, plus Kizzarny
Equipment: Common Clothes, Traveler's Clothes, Costume Clothes, Ball Bearings, Bell, Book, Candle, Flask, Hooded lantern, 10 foo pole, Sack, Iron Spikes
Specialty: There are many different jobs that workers can do for a circus or carnival. Each of the following contains a random effect, that should only be allowed if the specialty is randomly determined.
- Strongman (+1 Strength)
- Master of Ceremonies (+1 Charisma)
- Animal Trainer (Proficiency in Handle Animal)
- Jointee/Jointy (Runs the games: Proficiency in Slight of Hand)
- Mentalist (Choose 1 Wizard Cantrip)
- Monkey Boy/Girl (-1 Charisma, especially hirsute)
- Novelty Act (giant wrestler, midget, "hillbilly," hairy beast, grotesque or deformed person, or a trained animal - Yes, actually a talking dog/elephant/bear, choose appropriate modifiers with your DM)
- Posing Show (Proficiency in performance)
After years in the carnival you've developed a variety of contacts of dubious morality. In each town or village, you can roll on the following table to gain a contact.
- Fence
- Apothecarist/Druggist/Pharmacist
- Thieve's guild member
- Corrupt Bureaucrat
Suggested Characteristics
You didn't run away to join the carnival because things were going well. You're willing to take risks and have little to lose
d8 Personality
- Drug users, criminals and immigrants are the only people worth getting to know, they are honest not fake.
- Any work I can avoid doing is good work.
- It's not that I need the money, I just like taking advantage of people.
- I like to make people laugh.
- I'm only gathering information because I eventually plan to write a book.
- As long as I can stay on the road, I don't have to worry about getting all caught up in anything.
- I know not to break Kaefabe, I just don't trust anyone enough to ever break it. Everyone's a con.
- Easy come, easy go.
d6 Ideal
- Exploitation: The only good person is a mark.(Evil)
- Freedom: The open road is the only road for me.(Chaotic)
- Family: The carnival is my family. (Lawful)
- Competence: Never be the mark. (Unaligned):
- Enigmatic:: There's a special magic to traveling the land and bringing wonder to folk. (Good)
- Experience: I'm going to finally see the elephant!(Unaligned)
d6 Bond
- You have a brother that is looking for you.
- You have more than one life-partner, and they don't know about each other, nor the lover you travel with.
- I travel with a small coterie of lifetime companions.
- I bring news to various small towns and villages.
- I perform with my brothers and sisters, all of whom share a certain special trait (dwarfism, etc.)
- I love the animals I train, and would do anything for them, including steal them from the circus.
d6 Flaw
- If I have an opportunity to take money, even from a friend or companion, I can't pass it up.
- I ripped off the people I traveled with, and they are out and after me.
- I don't really like being obligated, as soon as someone cares for me, it'll be time to be moving on
- I got out of town in a possum belly (cab underneath a wagon) and the person I slept with to let me ride there has developed an unhealthy attachment.
- I committed one crime too many and am a wanted man
- Due to an error, one of my fellow workers died, and now anytime anyone depends on me I freeze up.
OSR Package
Running a B/X game? Give these advantages instead of proficiency and features. You can alos give these bonuses if running a 5e game using 3d6 for character generation.
- +1 to any statistic
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