On 5e Backgrounds: Fisherman
FishermanThe sea is your mother, the sea is your life. You aren't a sailor. You're a fisherman. You have a deep, personal, intimate relationship with the sea
Skill Proficiency: Intelligence (Nature); Wisdom (Survival);
Tool Proficiency: Water Vehicle
Languages: Pick One
Equipment: Fishing line, Fishing pole, Net, Traveler's clothes, Dapper fishing hat, Tacklebox, Can of worms
Specialty: You can either select or roll for the type of fisherman you are, and the type of fish you catch
- Wild Drift Net fishing
- Flyfishing
- Whaling
- Mermaid hunter
- Sea monster/Giant squid hunter
- Subsistence fisherman
- Noodling
- Spear hunting
Anytime you are near a source of water, you have advantage on survival checks to find food. Also, you can generate 2d10 silver pieces a day in fish to sell. Your knowledge of fishing allows you to blend in and acquire information from fishermen in various different cities and places regardless of any negative biases the population may hold towards you
Suggested Characteristics
Spending more time alone on the sea than with people has changed your nature. You are used to knowing that your survival is in your hands against a force much larger and more powerful then you could ever fathom.
d8 Personality
- I don't much like people.
- I know that I'm out of control of my life, which really allows me to enjoy dangerous situations.
- I like being outdoors, wearing fashionable hats, and being prepared. I'm a bit of an outdoorsman nut!
- I know how to provide for myself. I don't need any support from the crown.
- People are disturbed by how much I like fish. I like them. . . a lot. *Creepy Grin*
- I love the sea, it's the only place I feel content.
- I know the sea is ever active, so I seek to learn to sail in high winds.
- You can't tame the sea by just sitting and looking at it.
d6 Ideal
- Calm: I am content when I'm in the elements (Unaligned)
- Risk: I love the chaos of the sea. (Chaos)
- Greed: The sea holds many mysteries I wish to unlock. (Evil)
- Competence: I wish to master the sea, as a measure of my skill. (Lawful)
- Exploration: To see a new vista is the opportunity of the water. (Good)
- Balance: The sea is a measure of the balance of nature (Unaligned/Neutral)
d6 Bond
- Once, I saw a mermaid, and now I pine for her.
- I met a magic talking fish, who said I should seek him out again someday.
- I built my boat myself.
- My fishing rod was given to me by my father
- I learned to fish from my grandfather who is still quite young and spry.
- I have a partner I fish with.
d6 Flaw
- I don't much concern myself with the short term. The sea destroys all things in time.
- I made a bargain for immortality with evil fish people.
- I'm addicted to fishing and liable to avoid obligations to go.
- I often smell of dirt, worms, and fish.
- I have a pet fish. This is not as convenient as it sounds.
- I am secretly a cursed water creature, either a fish poloymorphed into a human or a mermaid given legs, or some other sea creature cursed to walk the land.
OSR Package
Running a B/X game? Give these advantages instead of proficiency and features. You can alos give these bonuses if running a 5e game using 3d6 for character generation.
- +1 Dex, +1 Con
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