On a 5e Modern Fighter Subclass, Space Marine

05.00 Unknown 0 Comments

Bring it on Games Workshop.

Recently Wizards of the Coast released an Unearthed Arcana article about modern 5th edition, containing technomancers and such. This was accompanied with a link to Dan Hemick's article about running a D20 Modern Campaign. I've been messing around with the surprisingly good Deathwatch released recently for mobile, and here we are!

Martial Archetypes

Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to emulate reflects your approach.

Space Marine

The archetypal Space Marine is a master of powered armor and stands as an indomitable front line against Xeno hordes that threaten man from the deeps. Heavily modified and immune to fear, the Space Marine is our first and best line of defense.

Power Armor
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become bonded with Power Armor. This armor works as Plate Mail, and provides Damage Resistance of 5 to slashing/piercing/bludgeoning and ballistic. The space marine is also biologically enhanced to be able to use the armor, having numerous implants. No other creature can use the power armor of the marine.

Basic Enhancement
The biological implants are growing and improving. At 7th level, choose any trait from the enhancement list.

Advanced Enhancement
The improvement and resistance to punishment continues. At 10th level, choose any two traits from the enhancement list.

Enhancement List

  • Muscle Fibers: Gain +2 to Strength. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic.
  • Wired Reflexes: Gain +2 to Dexterity. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic.
  • Enhanced Health: Gain +2 to Constitution. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic. 
  • Nanohealth: As a reaction, once per short rest, roll 1/2 your level in 1d6 and regain that many hit points.
  • Targeting Assist: When using any linked ranged weapon (modern or above), gain a +2 to hit targets.
  • Neurochemicals: Brain adjustment keeps your mind free of negative influences. You become immune to fear and have advantage versus mind-affecting effects.  
  • Mind Node: This allows the marine to go without sleep, only requiring two hours of stillness per 48 hour period. It also provides advantage on perception checks.

Pristine Enhancement
At 15th level, you are a master of the armor. Choose any two traits from the master enhancement list.

Master Enhancement List
  • Giant Muscle Fibers: Gain +4 to Strength. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic.
  • Hyper Reflexes: Gain +4 to Dexterity. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic.
  • Glorious Health: Gain +4 to Constitution. This does not count towards your maximum of 20 in a statistic. 
  • Poison Immunity: Gain complete immunity to poisons, toxins, and other dangers, both magical and benign. While in the powered armor, the marine no longer needs to breath or eat, allowing them to survive indefinitely even in the void of space. 
  • Cellular Regeneration: As an reaction, the armor can be activated to heal the wearer for 2d8+5 damage. You can do this 5 times per short rest. 
Space Lord
At 18th level, you are a legend among marines. Your protection from the armor increases to DR 10 for all attacks and energy types. Once per long rest, the armor can resuscitate you if you fall in battle. When you drop to 0 hit points, you immediately regain 1/2 your hit point total.

Hack & Slash 

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