On a Yellow Dingo's Fungus Guide XVI-XXI

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A long time ago, a blogger, Yellow Dingo posted many weird and wonderful things. Sadly (s)he is no longer with us. The best work by yellow dingo was a series on weird and dangerous fungus that was posted to his blog.. Sadly, that blog is now lost, to a spammer. However, some members of our community managed to save that information.

In the spirit of archival and rejuvenation, I am without permission (and with no charge to my patrons), reposting that wonderful series here on this blog. All writing and art is credit to the original poster at Yellow Dingo. All fungus statted up for Labyrinth Lord, but easily convertable to any system from Original Dungeons and Dragons to 5th Edition. Anyone who feels strongly that this is a bad (or good) idea, feel free to contact me with your concerns. My personal hard drive and OSR back channels are not nearly as resilient as the cloud. Enjoy.

From the defunct Yellow Dingo Appendix blog:

A Guide to Dangerous Fungi XVI-XXI


(The Burning Bird, lord of decay)
EnvironmentSwamps, Any Morning MistAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class5Hit Dice9*
Move60' (20')Intelligence18
Attacks2 ClawsDamage3d6+2
No. Appearing1 (1)Save AsMagic User: L25
Treasure TypeNilXP ValueN/A
Description:Asawi wanders the Plane of Decay and can only rarely be encountered on the Prime Plane – and only in the morning mist. From a distance it appears to be an Ostrich up to ten feet tall but it is only closer that the differences become apparent – the illuminating fire in particular.  Asawi is one of the dominant forces on the Plane of Decay. It is a Magic-user of considerable power though it seems entirely focused on Charm and Quest Magic. Asawi is a Bard with considerable talent in Singing, Music and Mimicry. It is also a skilled Tracker.
Stats: Magic User L25; Claws 3d6+2; Str (22), Dex (18), Con (9), Int (18), Wis (11), Cha (18); Skills: Tracking (I+2), Mimicry (I), History of the Plane of Decay (I), Alertness (D), Danger Sense (W), Singing (CH+2),Musical Instrument (Ch+2)

Bather's Light

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1/2*
No. Appearing1(1)Save AsFighter: LX
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description:This Primordial fungi looks more like a flower yet atop its clustered ash-gray stalks a collection of fluorescent white heads illuminate the darkness with their iridescent glow.  Bathers Lights can often be found in proximity to a pool of still water of absolute purity as it causes contaminants to settle out. This is the problem with the fungi – it will do the same to water in living organisms within ten feet of a fungi.

Black Smoker

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class7Hit Dice4*
AttacksFoul Poisonous MiasmaDamageSee Below
No. Appearing1 (1)Save AsFighter: L4
Treasure TypeVXP Value125
Description:Growing 4’-7’ tall, these fungi grow partly on the Plane of Decay and give off a black smoke which causes any victim unable to save vs. Dragon-breath to change to a chaotic and evil alignment until cured with a wish.

Cockatrice Fodder

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class6Hit Dice4-7
Attacks4-7 TentaclesDamage1d4 per tentacle
No. Appearing1 (1-10)Save AsFighter: L4-L7
Treasure TypeSpecialXP Value75, 175, 275, 450
Description:Amber tentacles growing from the soil can stretch up to 10 feet to attack prey in an attempt to strangle them for nutrients. Its real value is as a food source. Anyone consuming Cockatrice Fodder should save vs. disease or they gain the ability to move fast (triple their current movement rate). Some Barbarian tribes are known to chew this fungus when they need to travel great distances quickly.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Fungi ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class-5Hit Dice5*
Attacks1 explosionDamage5d6
No. Appearing1-10 (1-100)Save AsFighter: L5
Treasure TypeAs seed gem/number appearingXP Value300
Description:This fungus contaminates gems with its ‘spore’ causing them to grow into large ‘false crystals’ of that particular gem type. The ‘crystalline Gem’ Explodes on contact unleashing terrible damage. Adventurers don’t get experience points for this one unless they can prevent it from exploding with something along the lines of a hold monster spell.

Eye of the Beholder

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1 hp
MoveRolling 3' (1')Intelligence10
AttacksDiseaseDamageSee Below
No. Appearing2 (as a pair)Save AsFighter: L1
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description:The spore of this fungus causes the eyes to fall out (save vs. Disease to avoid) and continue to live on as fungi stalks rupture from the eyeballs and cause the eye to swell and bloat to a huge size. The fungus stalks become eye stalks as the eye becomes a beholder.
Consequently when an adult Beholder dies it will eventually dry out and become a ball of spores that will explode and disperse. It takes a while for the ability to fly to kick in – they are unable to do so until they become beholders after a year rolling about.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1 hp/spore
AttacksspecialDamagesee below
No. Appearing1-100 sporesSave AsNormal Human
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description:This fungus contaminates the pollen of certain rare flowers and is harvested by wee folk. Sprinkled on the eyes it causes the victim to be vulnerable to illusion magic—making the ugly reality a more palatable beautiful dream—by lowering the victim’s wisdom to three (save vs. Poison to avoid).
Fairies use it to lower their own wisdom so they will believe in any old rubbish—like their own existence – indeed a fairy free of glamour might think their selves out of existence.


EnvironmentPlants (mostly)AlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1 hp/square ft*
AttacksSmotherDamage1 hp/day
No. Appearing1 (1)Save AsSpecial
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description: The mother of all fungi is a refugee from the Plane of Decay this white slime spreads on living things (particularly plants) slowly causing damage and discharging a foul smell (save vs. Disease or vomiting the first time it is encountered).
It’s immune to everything but fire. And will spread unchecked to devour the countryside reducing entire forests and crops to a rotten slimy mass. It is because of this immunity to damage that Trolls will deliberately coat themselves in this—making fire their only vulnerability.
In the end a policy of scorched earth will destroy this fungi—leaving agricultural, forest, and even swamp reduced to badlands.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class1Hit Dice7*
Attacks6 fungi-stalks/roundDamage1d8
No. Appearing1 (1)Save AsFighter: L7
Treasure TypeNilXP Value850
Description:The main body of this shroom is below the surface. It erupts from the surface and smacks against ankles of feet that are putting pressure on the Fungus from the surface like a War-hammer.

Matnarn's Gill

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentasdf
Armour Class7Hit Dice4*
AttacksSpecialDamageSee Below
No. Appearing1(1)Save AsFighter: L4
Treasure TypeNilXP Value125
Description:Matnarn’s Gill is a strange fungi—it doesn’t pose a threat until the Victim exposed to its invisible Miasma attempts to swim underwater then it adapts the victim to a water-breathing environment making any attempt to return to the surface world near-impossible.
Only a wish can reverse the effects.

Poisoner's Cup

EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1/2*
AttacksPoisonous SplashDamageSee Below
No. Appearing1(1)Save AsNormal Human
Treasure TypeSpecialXP Value6
Description:This fungus produces a black juice in its ‘cup’ which it will deliberately spill in the direction of its prey in an attempt to splash a victim with the poison. The poison itself is a cruel death—the victim will age a year every day they do not make a save vs. Poison. Making the Saving throw only staves off the effect for twenty four hours—in the end only a wish can cure this poison though the effects are forever.
The poison is worth 5000gp per cup though it is impossible to get at.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1/2*
No. Appearing1 (1)Save AsNormal Human
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description:This fungus has come from the Plane of Decay. Its food source is Iron so Swords and Armour are an obvious meal which it will cause to decay and rot quickly (a turn per pound weight).
Its real threat is to Iron in blood—quickly infecting open wounds and the whole body with rotting fungi—reducing the Constitution at the rate of one per turn until constitution drops below three and death occurs. Only a wish can cure a victim of this fungus as it is immune to all else. It will also feed on Ironshroom.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom Forests, Plane of DecayAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class6Hit Dice1*
No. Appearing1 (10-100)Save AsNormal Human
Treasure TypeNilXP Value950
Description:These are used by the lords of Decay to isolate a region of interest. The Totem-shroom serves as a symbol of insanity—hough non-magical in nature. Any looking upon them is driven mad (requires a charisma check to avoid madness).


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class5Hit Dice5
Move90' (30')Intelligence1
Attacks1 SqueezeDamage1d10
No. Appearing1 (1-10)Save AsFighter: L3
Treasure TypeUXP Value175
Description:What initially appears as a either a short mushroom or a Long Stalked Shroom will in proximity to a foe cause a root-like tail to erupt from the soil to entangle and squeeze the victim or in the case of the long stalk cause the upper half of the shroom to wrap around the victim. Either way the Shroom will constrict until the victim is nutrients. It is also possible that the constrictor will be travelling when encountered.
A Strength Roll to escape its grasp is required otherwise it will exert squeeze damage each round.


EnvironmentDungeons, Caves, Mushroom ForestsAlignmentNeutral
Armour Class9Hit Dice1 hp/square ft*
AttacksSpecialDamageSee below
No. Appearing1(1)Save AsFighter: 1L/8 square feet
Treasure TypeNilXP Value6
Description:This leathery yellow mould patch can often be found growing in moist conditions on wood or stone. Its insidiousness is its curse—any fool touching this patch of mould will be marked for life. Fungi of all types will go out of their way to respond with hostility toward the Victim.

Hack & Slash 

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